First Thing First - Setting up Jdeveloper for Customizations @ Work

Below steps will help you in successfully configuring the development environment for working on Oracle Applications Framework (OAF) components in your project.

  1. Dowload the correct version of the Jdeveloper patch from Metalink.
                  Release 11i - Patch 6739235 JDeveloper With OA Extension
                                       Patch 8751878 JDeveloper with OA Extension
                 Release 12.0 -Patch 7523554 Jdeveloper 10g With OA Extension
                Release 12.1 - Patch 9879989 JDeveloper 10g with OA Extension

   2. Unzip the patch to say c:\JdevInstall on the local machine.
   3. Verify that the below directories are in place under c:\JdevInstall
  • jdevbin          
  • jdevdoc
  • jdevhome
                    jdevbin contains the required executables. jdevdoc contains all the important documentation and jdevhome is the place where you start building your components
   3. Set the Environment variable JDEV_USER_HOME to c:\JdevInstall\jdevhome\jdev
                     In windows, you can set this variable by righ clicking on 'My Computer' > Advanced System
                     Properties > Set variables.
  4. Open the c:\JdevInstall\jdevdoc\index.htm. This is the main dashboard for all your learning exercises,
     documentation etc.  
  5. Open the below page and complete all the tutorials/lessons.
  6. Read through the chapters in the below page not missing the Chapter 9(Extending and Deploying OA
     Framework Applications)
Above steps will help you in becoming self sufficient in developing/deploying new OAF components.
   Steps below will help you in customizing standard Oracle components.
7. Ability to run standard pages from Jdev:

      Copy all the files from $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ to C:\JdevInstall\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses
      of the jdeveloper setup. Here refers to the standard oracle application production that you are  
      working to customize.
      Ensure the directory structure is maintenaned during copy. ie. files recursively from
     $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps//*.* should be copied to

8. Above step is optional, in case you have problems copying/running the standard pages from Jdeveloper 
    you can still proceed with copying only the class files that are required.

9. Identify the structure of the Oracle standard components/pages using 'About this page' link. If the link is
   not enabled in your environments ensure that the profile FND:Diagnostics is set.

10. Chapter 9 in C:\Jdev1206\jdevdoc\WebHelp\devguide\devguide.htm will provide all the steps on how to extend/customize/substitute OAF components and their deployment.

11. Any required help can be sought from Oracle Technology Applications Framework forum:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these pointers Suman! It has all the resources one would need to get started with OAF for Ebusiness Suite using Jdeveloper.
